Written by Flexy.Global

How to Build Your SaaS Design

Flexy Tips
4 min

SaaS (Software as a Service) has emerged as a dominant model in the software industry, powering everything from email services to intricate business solutions. But beyond the underlying software, the interface and user experience are paramount to a SaaS product's success.

This brings us to the heart of SaaS design – an aspect as essential as the technology stack itself. For any business venturing into the SaaS realm or those looking to revamp their current offerings, understanding SaaS design is non-negotiable.

In this article

What is SaaS Design?

The special thing about the SaaS model is that customers don't buy a product or a license. They just pay a subscription fee, which can be monthly, yearly, or for specific services. So, the success of a SaaS design is based on how often people use it and keep using it. This success is often checked using terms like MMR (money received every month) and ARR (money received every year).

This is the equation you’ll need to consider when starting a SaaS design.

Both elements are important to making a top-tier SaaS product. They also decide the overall look and functionality of the software, which is why you should also consider the:

01.  Layout

02.  Accessibility

03.  Visual Design

04.  Database

To keep users hooked to your software, make sure you include these elements and use some trusted SaaS design tips.

TIP 1– Interface Hierarchy

When making a SaaS design, it's super important to clearly show what makes your product unique and tell your customers about it in a simple way. Ensure your app is easy to use, so people can quickly find what they need and see the value in your product.

When users open your cloud app, they should instantly see the most important stuff. All the main features should be in a menu bar, so they don't have to hunt around.

For example, when a user lands on the Ellie.ai homepage they are encouraged to interact with the page and have immediate access to feature cards. Flexy designers deliberately added horizontal features like an explainer video, a customer logo carousel, and informative cards with custom illustrations that deliver the company’s message without overwhelming the viewer.

TIP 2– Frictionless Sign-Up

Users prefer a signup process that's straightforward and fuss-free. However, achieving this simplicity can be challenging.

It's crucial to avoid prompting users with requests that might deter them from completing the signup. For example, offering a free trial is great, but asking for credit card details can make users feel uneasy.

Remember, your goals are to:

  • Attract a user
  • Engage a user

Here’s how you can achieve them:

01.  Create a noticeable CTA button for your free trial/subscribe option.

02.  Gather only basic information (e.g. name and email address).

03.  Shorten the number of steps for sign-up.

04.  Make it possible to register with social media or a Google account.

TIP 3– User-Friendly Onboarding

The first impression is the last. Focus on guiding and captivating your new customers. This can be achieved by integrating easy-to-follow steps and addressing potential challenges.

Here's how you can enhance the experience:

  • Simplify the signup process, avoiding long forms.
  • Add a progress bar so users can track their completion.
  • Offer chat support for users who might need assistance.
  • Ensure continuous engagement to encourage users to return.

How does Flexy go about SaaS Design?

Stage 1: Pre-design

Before even beginning the SaaS design for a product, Flexy dives deep into the foundational steps. For us, understanding the landscape, the users, and establishing clarity in information flow is paramount.

At Flexy, we don't make “pretty designs,” we strategize. Our approach includes:

  • Establishing clear goals
  • Preparing a targeted questionnaire
  • Reaching out to potential users
  • Executing insightful interviews with the client
  • Developing the user story
  • And mapping out the user flows.

We know the importance of every interaction a user might have with the software. We want to be there at every touchpoint, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience, that’s why we map out the User Story and user flows focusing on:

01.  Web app design touchpoints

02.  Live chat interactions

03.  Engagements with chatbots

04.  Social media outreach

05.  Incorporating customer reviews

Flexy captures the essence of your target audience, and our designs are tailored to resonate with these personas. Every element and interaction is thought out from their perspective.

Stage 2: UX Design

The second step in our SaaS design process is creating a mood board, a mindmap, low and high-fidelity mockups, and UX writing.

Stage 3: UI Design

Last but not least, our designers craft a user interface that will make your SaaS product easily recognizable by considering your company goals, user psychology, and the latest SaaS design trends.

From our end, we advise:

  • Opting for a minimalist trend with a two-color palette and an accent color.
  • Using crisp logos.
  • Adding clickable prototypes.
  • And conducting user interviews to collect valuable feedback before starting the development process.

Ready to elevate your SaaS design?

At Flexy, we pride ourselves on transforming ideas into high-performance SaaS designs. Our portfolio is a testament to our expertise and passion.

Join hands with Flexy Global!

In summary, Digital product design is more than just crafting aesthetically pleasing interfaces.

It's a meticulous process that integrates user needs, market insights, and technical feasibility.From the initial project setup to the final handover to developers, each step is pivotal in shaping the user experience.

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